Permanent work from home | Best Online Jobs from Home

Permanent work from home means work from home, this is the keyword that is being searched the most on Google in India.

If you also do such a business, which is based on online projects and at sitting at home, then you can also earn online a lot.

If you also have free time, use that time in the right place, which will benefit you, you can move forward in your life, fulfill your dreams, you should not waste your time in such things which are of no use, then you too Earn money sitting at home online without any cost.

it will be your permanent work from home to get the handsome amount.

There are many ways of work from home by which you can earn lakhs of rupees a month sitting at home, but in this you have to give some time, then only you can earn money from here, it is not a trick that those who leave overnight earning money, you have to work here everyday like your permanent job.

the best part in this work from home job is that you are totally free and flexible with hours.

Internet is fooled to earn money online in many ways, it is advised to earn more money in less time which is not right, here you have to work on daily basis, you will have to work hard, then you will be able to earn money online from here. Be it to earn or to earn money offline, you have to give some time.

Online jobs from home

Personal finance Advisor

This is a task that you can do from anywhere. You just need to have a computer. From opening his office to working for companies on a project basis, this work is involved.

In this, you have to meet clients, travel and attend conferences. In addition, financial advice can also be given to the clients. For this some financial firms provide online work.


We want to keep blogging at number one in online jobs because in today’s time blogging has become a very big platform, people are earning up to lakhs of rupees daily by doing online work sitting at home from blogging.

Know blogging, in easy language, the topic or low on which you have information to reach people through a blog or website, it is called blogging and yes you choose the same topic in which you are interested.

Do you want to start blogging then you can absolutely start blogging and earn money very easily by doing job.

To start blogging, you will first have to choose a name which is called domain, by which name you want to create a blog and you will have to buy a web hosting which will make the website ready for one to two thousand rupees, which if you do not want to spend money. You can make it for free from, here you will not charge anything.

Online Webinar Jobs

Webinar is becoming popular in the present time because now everything is becoming digital, so you should also take the help of webinar. .

Know what is a webinar, through any webinar software, you can share your information related to teaching, motivational advice, singing, cooking, and you can charge from the user.

To start the webinar, you will need a laptop, internet connection, headphone or microphone and webinar software, then you can share your skills from home.

Application Software Developer

New features of phones, computers, laptops, tabs are being launched continuously. In such a situation, the work of new apps and software developers is in demand.

If you are a professional in this matter, then your business can get four moons. Money can be earned through online app development. Some companies give such projects

Online Writing Jobs

To do work from home, you must have skills, there is no shortage of jobs here. Talking about online writing jobs, people are easily earning Rs. 400 to 600 every hour by writing online content.

Know what is content writing, a post is published on a big website or blog, it is written by a content writer only, which if you like writing content, then you can also start this work.

How to do online writing job for a website content is very easy, on which language or subject you can write content well, you will find many freelancing websites of that type on the internet, you can contact them for online job which you can do by work from home.

You can search for work through these websites.

freelance jobs Website

  • Upwork
  • Truelancer
  • Fiverr
  • freelancer

Apart from this, there are many websites through which you can search for work, just to strengthen your skills and you have to focus on writing content.

Graphic designer

Today there are many media houses, film and ad agencies, where there is a good demand for graphic designers.

Here you can do freelance work according to the project. For this, the project can be earned from 14 thousand rupees to 22 thousand rupees.

Online Data Entry Jobs

Data entry jobs are many around the world, there are many types of data entry jobs, such jobs can also be found in some big companies because big companies have to do data entry in bulk, that company online provides such jobs which You can do work from home.

By working online work at home, you can easily earn Rs 15,000 to 20,000 sitting at home, for this you should have good typing skills, only then you will be able to do this work easily.

Data entry is done on many different software, for which you have to use computer. It is important to have knowledge.

For data entry jobs, you will find many websites on the internet from where you can earn well by working, do you also want to earn money by doing freelance works at home, then this platform is for you here for every job. You can charge different money for it.

Market Research analyst

This work is in great demand in the corporate sector. The job of Market Research Analyst can be done as a business or online by tying up with a company.

For this, you have to give data after knowing the opinion of the customers in the product, quality and rate of the company. You can also make it your part time business. By taking projects from companies, you can do it yourself or even from employees.

Money can be earned by joining companies like MHI Global, Orbitz Worldwide.

Online Survey Jobs

Online surveys can be a good way to earn money on the Internet, where some company conducts online surveys to know your opinion about the product so that the company can find out about the selling of its product and improve its product selling. it helps to increase and build a trust among the customer.

Online survey job giving companies signup on their website and once you complete their survey your email is registered through that online surveys are mailed to you and would like to know about their product.

You can get your payment by completing those online surveys.

If you search the website for online survey on the internet, then many websites are found, many such sites are also found among them which do not pay you, you create your account only after knowing well about those companies and Do the work.

Youtube Video Making Online Jobs

Talking about the video content at this time, it is growing very fast because in the present time there are too many video watchers, in such a situation there are many such YouTubers on YouTube who get videos made by others and pay monthly salary for them, then such big ones. You can contact them by searching youtube.

Otherwise, you can start your own YouTube channel, in which you have to choose the topic in which you are interested and choose the topic in which you can present yourself well in the video.

People from YouTube are earning lakhs of rupees a month sitting at home, you can create your own brand on YouTube, which if you want to earn money online and without investment then YouTube can be the best for you.

Affiliate Marketing

The industry of affiliate marketing is increasing day by day, the main reason for this is the growth of online shopping, the promotion of e-commerce, from here you can earn commission by selling products, do you want to earn some money through this, then let’s know. .

This is such an industry where you can start earning money very quickly without investing any money.

What is Affiliate Marketing

When you promote a company’s product and sell the product through your link, then you get some commission for it, this is affiliate marketing, there is no limit to earn money from here.

To earn money from this, you should have some traffic, you should have people who know that people can buy the product from your link, for this you can share the link on your social media and you can share the product with your friends or family members from your link. You can get the sales done.

Earn money from facebook page

There are many platforms to earn money online, you can earn money from Facebook sitting at home, for this you need a Facebook page, you can create a Facebook page for free, without any cost, if you have an account on Facebook, then easily create a page. can do.

After the page is created, you can post content on it, whether it is video content, photo content or writing content. If you do, you can earn money by monetizing through Facebook very soon.

If you are a YouTuber, create video content, then publish this content on both Facebook and YouTube platforms so that you can become a brand and earn money by monetizing.

Earn money from Instagram.

Are you also thinking that you can earn money from Instagram, then you are thinking right, yes you can earn money by becoming an Instagram Influencer, Instagram has become a very fast growing social media platform today, more than 400 million Instagram.

To earn money from here you have to create a page on which some content will have to be published on daily basis so that users will be attracted with your content and follow your page which will increase your page’s follower then here you can earn money in 5 ways. But the more followers you have, the better it will be.

If you are growing by creating an Instagram page, then you will be able to earn money, you can earn money by doing paid promotion from here, you can earn money from affiliate marketing, you can earn money by selling e-books, you can earn money by account promotion, you can make referral income.

work from home
work from Home

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing professionals contribute to building a strong online presence of a brand. In this, they work from SEO, email marketing, mobile marketing to social media marketing.

Social Media Manager is responsible for organizing campaigns, promoting content, controlling content, increasing the reach of the brand on the online platform.

Recognized courses such as ‘PG Certification in Digital Marketing’ will give a good basis.

Online courses are also available from digital platforms such as Udemy, Google Digital Garage, and many large business schools.

Earn money from telegram

Telegram is also a way to earn money by which many people are earning in lakhs, then you can also earn money from telegram, to earn money from here, you must have a telegram page.

you can create a telegram page for free, on which You can increase followers and earn money by posting content.

Often you must have heard about downloading movies from Telegram, there are many pages on top of Telegram where movie links are shared, many pages of informative content are published, some tell about the deals of E-commerce website, then referral. Sell ​​the product from the user through the link and earn money from it.

With Telegram, you can earn a lot of money by doing page promotion account promotion referral link affiliate marketing, if you have more followers on your page then you can earn a lot of money.

Earn money from Share Market.

If you want to earn money by investing money, then you can easily earn money from the stock market, in this you have to invest your money, buy and sell stocks, from here you can increase your money very fast but this market is quite risky. Also, many people drown their money too.

If you are new to the share market, there is no specific information about it, then you should not come to the share market now, then you need to learn about this market, the more information you have about the share market, the better you will be. can earn money.

Many people are earning money online from the stock market, but it has to start with money, it is also important to have good information about these markets, so first learn then start investing.

Online Teaching

There has been a lot of demand in the field of edtech since the corona pandemic. Professionals and students in this field are all turning to online solutions.

Many online tutorial forums, such as Chegg (UNE), pay $20 per hour for tutors for each subject. Professionals can also adopt online forums.

HR Recruiter

The job of ‘HR Enrollment Specialist’ in Human Resource Department is never ending.

Job responsibilities in working independently would include searching for employees on the internet, looking at their CVs, attending interviews, etc.

There are also many online certification courses available for HR recruiters. Online recruiter training or certification courses along with a Bachelors degree in Psychology, Business Administration or Human Resources will help you increase your income while working as an independent HR recruiter.


In the above article given, we have tried to cover everything on permanent work from home which helps you to build permanent setup for online earning. We explain it in details. Hope you like this information. If you like then you can share with your friends and tell by commenting in the below comment box.

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