What is the Internship and type of internship

What is the meaning of Internship

Friends, before knowing anything about internship, let us know that what is internship ? When a student is doing his studies in a college or university, then many questions come in his mind about his future, out of which the most important question is what to do that after the end of studies, he will be able to choose his favorite.

To do business or job in the area. And now-a-days it is known to everyone that it is not enough to have only bookish knowledge to do business or job in the field of your choice.

Nowadays, a lot of competition is being seen in the field of job, now it is not easy for everyone to get a job in the field of their choice, now to get a good job, it is not enough for you to have just a degree, you have bookish knowledge.

Along with this, it is very important to have some practical knowledge because now after completing your studies, whenever you apply for a job in a company or industry or go for an internship, the company sees that you have a degree apart from yours. And what is the knowledge that means whether you have any practical knowledge along with the knowledge of studies.

Nowadays the competition in the field of job has increased so much that if a company or industry takes out vacancy for even one post, then hundreds of candidates apply for it, in such a situation, the company would like to give job to the best candidate in its company and its For this, it is very important for you to have some practical knowledge along with your bookish knowledge.

Due to all these reasons, nowadays the demand for internship has started increasing very fast. Even Internship has been made compulsory in many courses, that is, if you want a degree, then you will have to do internship while studying. If you do an internship, then you will be given a degree.

Now that Internship has been made Compulsory in many courses i.e. Internship is being given so much importance in the field of studies, in such a situation, many questions will be coming in your mind regarding internship such as

  • What is Internship?
  • What are the benefits of internship?
  • What are the types of internships?
  • How can I do internship?
  • How to choose the right internship for you?

What if you also have an internship in mind? If you have similar questions about this blog, then this blog will be very helpful for you and I am sure that after reading this blog completely, what is the internship in your mind? All the doubts about you will be cleared and what is your internship?

What is the internship? Talking about, Internship is a type of training program in which you can work in any industry or company according to your interest and know about that work.

What is Internship in easy language? Talking about Internship, in internship, you are ready for the job before doing the job! With the help of internship, you can get practical knowledge by going out of class room and working in any industry or company.

You can get theoretical knowledge as well as practical knowledge by doing internship in the field in which you have studied.

Some companies want you to work there but you will not be given salary. You will get the job opportunity and the company will get the man to work for. In such a situation, internship is beneficial for both the company and the students.

Let us tell you that there are some companies that also give salary to the students in the form of stipend during internship.

Internship is often done to college, university students who are new in the field of business or job i.e. Fresher Candidates are given an opportunity to do internship so that they can go ahead with whatever business or job field they go into first. Let us tell you that usually the internship is of 3 to 6 months.

Internship is an opportunity for fresher candidates in which they can know about that job before doing a permanent job in a business or field of job i.e. in internship, the student can get out of the classroom and do all those things with Real Experiences. He will get what he has read only in books sitting in the class room so far.

Nowadays there are many such companies which have started believing that it is not enough to have only bookish knowledge to do a job in their company, along with bookish knowledge it is very important to have practical knowledge. Internship plays an important role in providing practical knowledge to the students by removing this deficiency.

What are the benefits of internship?

Friends, as we are, what is the internship? Now the question must be coming in your mind that what are the benefits of internship? So talking about the benefits of internship, it is very beneficial for a fresher candidate.

Gets Practical Knowledge

The best advantage of internship is that it gives students a chance to get practical knowledge out of the book world of the classroom. In this, students can go to any companies or industries according to their interest and learn about the work there, that is, in internship, students get a chance to get real work experience.

Helps to get job

The biggest advantage of internship is or rather, most of the students do internship only for the purpose of getting a good job. And internship is also proving to be very helpful in getting a fresher student a job in the initial days.

Communication Skill Develops

When you go for internship in a company or industry or any organization, there you get a chance to meet different people, how to deal with people, how to talk, how to talk to your senior. It is important to get information about all this, due to which your communication skill improves a lot.

Get to learn new things

During internship, students get to learn a lot of new things which they may never have learned while studying in the classroom, and the advantage of this is that along with learning new things, they are encouraged to do new things.

Earning opportunity with studies

There are many such companies or industries or institutions that also give money to the students in the form of stipend to work during internship, so that students get a chance to earn money along with studies.

Know about Job Environment

During internship, students get to know about the job environment i.e. the job environment in a company or industry, that is, they get to know in advance about the work they are going to do, what they will have to do in that work. how many hours he will have to work, under whom he will have to work.

He already comes to know about many such things. By which they come to know whether the work that they are going to do going forward is perfect for them or not.

Confidence grows

During internship, students get a chance to learn and learn practical things, which increases their self-confidence. And this shows how to work with Confidence in Office.

What are the types of internships

Talking about the types of internships, there are many types of internships, of which the main questions are

Cooperative Education

Cooperative education is a type of internship in which there is a three-way relationship between company, college and students. In this, there is a kind of agreement between the company and the college, in which the company gives the students of the college the opportunity to do internship in their company, so that the students get a chance to get practical knowledge and the company gets the man to work. Is.


In this, students are asked to work on a particular project in college or sometimes outside the college in an organization, in this, a team of some students is asked to work on that project within a certain time frame and complete it by themselves. So that they can get practical knowledge! Practicum is a type of college course.


Externship is for a short time period, it is mainly for 1 to 3 weeks, in this, students get a chance to know about the work there in a company or industry or institution for a short time period, in which students get their The opportunity to work with hands is rarely available, it is like a kind of Industrial Visit Tour.


In Apprenticeship, students are given practical knowledge as well as theoretical knowledge in any company or industry or institution. In this 70-80% Practical Knowledge and rest 20-30% Theory Knowledge is also given.

Apprenticeship is mainly of 1 to 2 years and some are for more than that. Most of the students do Apprenticeship after completing their studies.

How can I do internship?

with the help of college

Friends, in many big colleges and universities, many big companies themselves come and provide internship to the students, that is, the company itself comes to the college or university and gives students the opportunity to do internship in their company, for this, the company Some of the men come to the college or university and interview the students and then the students who qualify in the interview give them a chance to do internship in their company.

by applying Direct to a company

And if your college is not offering you to do internship from anywhere, then you can also do internship by yourself, for this you have to first find out which company around you gives an opportunity to do internship and then you can do internship with that company. You can apply for internship in India and if you find a company where you have any relative then it becomes even easier for you to do internship.

by applying online

Along with this, you can also apply for internship online, there are many websites where internships are offered, with the help of which you can find internship for yourself.

How to choose the right internship?

So let us now know how you can choose the right internship for yourself.

Friends, whenever you choose an internship for yourself, choose the internship according to your own interest. Never choose internship for yourself in the eyes of your friends or anyone else.

Do an internship in the field in which you are interested and go ahead in the field in which you want to work.

What is the purpose of doing Internship ?

Friends, those of us who study in college or university and then after completing our studies, when we go to work in some industry or company, then we see a big difference between the studies of college or university and the work of industry or company.

Theory knowledge is given to us very well in college or university, but it does not make it workable in any industry or company. Fresher candidates go to work in any industry or company, then they have to face a lot of problems.

The purpose of internship is to bridge this gap so that students can get practical knowledge along with theory knowledge during their studies and can know about job environment, job culture etc. of any industry or company.

Some important things related to internship

  1. Most of the company where you go for internship there is some special person who tells you everything in the beginning or explains how you have to work! You know about the work there by working under them.
  2. At the same time, there are many companies where there is no special person, you have to learn by seeing the work of other workers and asking them.
  3. Friends, let us tell you that for doing internship it is not necessary that you need higher qualification, even if you are 10th or 12th pass, you can do internship according to your interest.
  4. Friends Internships are both Full Time and Part Time! If you are not getting much time to do internship then you can also do Part Time Internship.
what is internship
what is internship

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